Artykuły :: Wyniki z meczy :: [RO:Ladder]: Team alc 6 : 2 team enclave
Author: IgraSov
Submitted by: IgraSov   Date: 2010-10-22 15:43
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 Team alc  :  team enclave 
6  :  2

Oficjalny raport z meczu:

We started to defend Lazur first and could hold the 2 middle capzones for the whole time and even recapped the first cap several times.
Against our expectations we managed to win the attacking round on lazur also. Changed our tactic a bit and it finally worked out. I have to mention it was close on the last cap tho. We managed to get in several times but couldnt get it. With just some minutes remaining we finally capped it.
Going to Krasnyi with 4:0 gave us confidence and we could hold central pretty long. When we lost it we were still holding pretrol and it never got into serious trouble. A lot of nice forward pushing cost enclave a lot of reinfs and we managed to bleed them out to 0%.
On attack we blitzed central and petrol but ofc failed at the construction. Enclave had a nice defense. Even though we had quite a lot of good rushes, which could have led to a victory with a bit more luck, enclave held on and won that round.

gg, see you next time and congrats on the 2 points :)

(Thx to Schreq for writing this report. I was not involved in this match. gg all!)

- RO-Lazur_upd
- RO-KrasnyiOktyabr

- runda 1
- runda 2
- runda 3
- runda 4

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