TWI oficjalnie wydało ukończoną (?) SDK. Ponadto przegotowali też mały paczyk:
Settings menu bug fixes (e.g. Changing Vsync setting now requires a restart)
Switching roles/teams while in a tank should now work properly
Melee hit detection improvements. For example, it is now possible to hit a prone player with a bayonet while standing.
The commanders order marker will now disappear properly when aimed at the sky instead of getting stuck at some location in the map
Countdown maps will no longer show the improper amount of manpower when a new player joins during a match in progress
Performance / Stability
Crash fixes based on .dmp files provided by players
Fixed occasional freezing when spawning
Updated Punkbuster to address framerate spike
Overall performance optimization
SDK: How to use redirects to download custom maps (Modders)
Publish your custom map using the publish button in the editor. This will 'cook' twice because the server needs a different version.
Grab the files from Published/CookedPCServer/ and give those to your server admins. Remember to clearly label these as server files.
Grab the files from Published/CookedPC/ and give those to your server admins clearly labelled as client files. You must rename the published map files from .roe to .upk.
SDK: How to use redirects to download custom maps (Server Admins)
Place the server content into ROGame/CookedPCServer
Place the client content, removing any sub directories, at an http address. If the client content contains any .roe map they must be renamed to .upk.
Add the following to ROEngine.ini:
Clients will now automatically download the custom content when connecting to your server
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